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The First Solve

Game On recently held a Rubik's Cube training session with St. Barnabas Society & Home for underprivileged children, and it was a truly rewarding and inspiring experience. The children there did not have much access to the same resources and opportunities as many other children their age. Through this training, we aimed to provide them with a fun and challenging activity that would help improve their problem-solving skills and enhance their confidence.

The Rubik's Cube is a puzzle that has been popular for decades, shown to have numerous cognitive benefits. Solving the Rubik's Cube requires critical thinking, spatial reasoning, and patience, among other skills. These are all skills that can be useful in many areas of life, from academics to career success. By teaching these skills to underprivileged children, we hope to level the playing field and provide with them resources they need to succeed.

The training session was held over three weekends, targeting kids from ages 6 to 12. We started by introducing the children to the Rubik's Cube and showing them how it works. Some of the children had never seen a Rubik's Cube before, so it was exciting to see their curiosity and eagerness to learn. We then provided them with step-by-step instructions on how to solve the puzzle, breaking it down into manageable chunks. As they progressed through the steps, we encouraged them to practice and to ask questions if they needed help.

One of the most rewarding aspects of the training was seeing the children's progress over the course of the weekend. At first, many of them struggled to even turn the cube's sides, but by the end, they were able to solve the puzzle on their own. It was amazing to see their sense of accomplishment and pride when they completed the puzzle for the first time. We also noticed that many of the children who were shy and reserved at the beginning of the training had become more confident and outgoing as they gained proficiency in solving the Rubik's Cube.

Overall, our Rubik's Cube training was a huge success. We were able to provide 20 children with a fun and challenging activity that helped them develop important cognitive skills. The children had a great time, and we were thrilled to see them grow and learn over the course of the weekend. We hope to continue providing similar opportunities to Hong Kong children in the future, and we encourage others to do the same. By unleashing the next generation’s talent, we aim to build a more equitable and prosperous society for all.

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